Sidereus Wiki
Ereb Mîr
10 06SidereusOneDay 188
Vital statistics
Player Name ROFL
Gender Male
Celestial Sign
Race Eidolon - Yellow Gem
Age 22
Organization None
Occupation Healing Student under Stoian

Ereb Mîr appeared in Lorehaven very much unexpected. He felt drawn to a particular section of library where he happened upon Stoian. Interested in following Dunmharu, he apprenticed himself to the man to study the Lore and Healing. He's followed Stoian's command loyally ever since.


All that is known about Ereb is that he appeared one day with Stoian. Anything before that is a series of rumors and whispers of terrible acts left in his wake.


Ereb is a fairly unsettling individual. Everything about him is somewhat off, laced with subtle oddities and quirks. For example, he is very tactile, seemingly needing to touch everything he passes. For long moments his eyes will unfocus and he will continue a single action without interruption. His eyes always move first, then his head follows.

Skills and Hobbies[]

Ereb is a skilled healer in training. He is enthusiastic about helping others, and has a steady hand for surgery.. and dissection.

Significant Relationships[]

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His mentor, teacher, and seemingly only companion. He follows the Cleric's every order without question.


Fraternal twin brother. He has no idea, nor intention to know, where he is.
